
Tips for Creating a New Blog or Website!

If you’re reading this, there’s a chance that you’re making a blog or website. Maybe you’re even making a YouTube channel and are looking for some advice. I myself, am not a professional in ANY way, but I have found some things that you may find will help you gain views, and boost the quality. These hacks may also help you become more organized and comfortable with uploading. Keep in mind, YOU ARE NOT OBLIGED TO FOLLOW OR TRY THESE TIPS. Find what works for you, and what you personally prefer. These are not the only things you can do either, and I highly recommend exploring some other posts and articles, especially from people with maybe a bit more experience. However, I hope that my tips can help and you don’t make the same mistakes as me.

Tip One: Come up with an uploading schedule

Okay, I know I’m a bit of a hypocrite here because I’m really bad with my uploading schedule, I should probably come up with a specific day of the week to upload. But if you come up with a general uploading schedule like twice a week, once a week, every other week, etc. This will help you become more organized, and you’ll most likely get higher up on the search page. I recommend keeping a log of when you upload so you don’t loose track of when you upload (I’m going to try this because I don’t ever remember my long term memory is broken). Try experimenting with different schedules and days; I recommend starting with once a week, every other week, or once a month.

Tip Two: Divide and conquer

In between uploading days, divide them up because then you’ll find it easier to organize your posts. For example, if you’re uploading once a week, you might do something like: 1 day refreshment, 1 day of brainstorming and planning, 1 day of writing out layout, into, conclusion, and any headlines, notes, or labels, 2 days of writing out post, 1 day of revising and editing, and 1 day of final reading and posting. This makes a huge difference.

Tip Three: Use a planner or calendar

Planners and calendars are super helpful, this is something that might not work for everyone, but if you find this usually does for other school or work assignments, you can try it for this too! I have a 2020-21 planner I think is from Staples (I love Staples. not sponsored), definitely recommend.

Tip Four: Color, fonts, drawings, images, banners, etc.

Come up with a color scheme, and use fonts that you like. I recommend finding fonts and colors that match what your blog/website is about. Fine an aesthetic that you like. My main theme is pineapples, so I went with colors that matched, and matched the slightly tropical themed aesthetic. Use images and drawings and banners that have colors that contrast, but don’t clash, and match, but don’t blend and blur. Look at the color wheel and make custom colors. I noticed that many food blogs and websites and companies really like navy and use citrus and fruits because of the contrast, but try some things of your own! Fun fact, my favorite colors are black, maroon, and lavender, and my favorite color to wear is black. Even though pink and mint are not always my first choice of colors, they’re still pretty nice and I enjoy the aesthetic. Try drawing and different banners!

Tip Five: Come up with creative names and ideas, use keywords and tags

Creativity is important in titles, names, ideas and domains. A domain is the link, and titles should be original and include keywords. Keywords will gain you more views, as will the length of your title, expressive/emotive words, uncommon and common words. While this isn’t necessary, you’re blog will be higher on the page and you’re more likely to get suggested. Take occasional breaks, and when use time to come up with creative ideas!

Tip Six: Take advantage of the internet

Try looking at different blogs/websites for inspiration, and find how to use dropdowns, plugins, add-ons, etc. If you’re looking for a really amazing food blog, try Pinch Of Yum (; they have a great food blog. Another strange way you can take advantage of the internet is that you can become a completely different person on the internet, which sounds terrible, but I mean it in a good way. You can have a new start on your website/blog and I always find that my self confidence and esteem is substantially higher than in real life when on the internet (I don’t mean like I become Narcissus that would be bad and that’s way far away and something I don’t want). The internet is a completely different world than real life and you can take advantage of the information you can find. Make sure you verify your information with several sources though!

Tip Six: Variety

This is pretty self explanatory, add some variety. Different ideas, posts, do collabs, videos, pictures, etc. You’re not required to post specific things. I recommend trying to stick to you’re theme, but it’s okay to try something different. Heck, if you have ideas that go outside your comfort zone, or your theme, and you want to try it, go for it!

Tip Seven: Target audience

Come up with a specific age range and come up with kinds of people your content is aimed at, but don’t be exclusive or limited. I try to make content that’s open to anyone, but it’s more aimed at any average person or beginner. This blog is family friendly so stay away from things that would be exclusive to kids, such as language, content, and images.

Tip Eight: Extra content and outside sources

Feature different sites, such as YouTube, other other blogs. If you have people who are interested in doing collabs, do some research or check them out before contacting them with if you’re interested. Definitely have an email or number for business.

Let me know if you think I’m missing anything! Do you have any tips for other people? Did these tips help? Let me know!
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