Breakfast Recipes

Oat (aka- survival) Pancakes

I love pancakes, but on weekdays in the morning I generally try not to fuel myself based on sugar in the morning because we all know I will have no energy for the rest of the day. So I decided to make pancakes that are more filling and won’t make you collapse from exhaustion before 10:00 am.

Honey Or Maple Syrup – Honey and maple syrup are great sweetener alternatives for sugar. You can totally use sugar, but I think honey and maple syrup are great alternatives and pair amazingly with this recipe.

Old Fashioned/Rolled Oats – Old fashioned rolled oats are great for the consistency and texture. Don’t worry, you won’t taste them, and it won’t be like oatmeal.

Cinnamon – Amazing for flavor, and enhancing the taste.

Nut Butter (I used Peanut)- Yum. You don’t need this, but it’s soooo good in these pancakes, and makes it very filling. Substitute for sunflower butter or something similar if you’re allergic or prefer that.

Banana – One of the main ingredients. Not just for flavor, but also for the consistency.

Note: We use baking powder and soda for different reasons. Baking soda begins to activate when you mix, all of the friction causes a reaction, kind of like a soda/pop (how to remember), or comes in contact with an acid. Baking powder causes your food to rise while it cooks, or when in contact with a liquid.

oat pancakes topped with sliced banana and chocolate chips and peanut butter and maple syrup on white plate and red background

Oat Pancakes

Survival pancakes?
5 from 5 votes
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Course Breakfast
Cuisine American


  • 1/4 cup flour any kind works
  • 1/4 cup old fashioned rolled oats
  • 1-2 tbsp honey or maple syrup
  • 1/2-1 banana
  • 1 large egg
  • 1/4 – 1/3 cup milk any kind works
  • 2/3 tbsp nut butter I used peanut
  • 1/8 tsp baking powder
  • 1/8 tsp baking soda
  • Toppings of choice ex: bananas, chocolate chips, maple syrup, other fruit.


  • Spray pan, and heat to medium/medium-low
  • Whisk the egg until slightly peaking
  • Mix together dry ingredients.
  • Mash banana and peanut butter together
  • Mix in the rest of the ingredients just until mostly combined
  • Spoon into frying pan
  • Flip
  • When fully cooked, stack onto plate, top, and enjoy!

7 replies on “Oat (aka- survival) Pancakes”

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